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This website and attached organizations to Dear Sir services are working as a bridge where information is collected from the organizations and shared to interested people. Dear Sir Services (DSS) and other attached organizations to DSS namely Forum For Education & Training an NGO (FET- NGO), Work Outsource Incorporation and Heramb Industries do not take any responsibility in any forms of the tie-ups between the organization (Party 1) and the interested person in Employment , Self Employment/ budding entrepreneur (Party 2). Similarly, Dear Sir Services (DSS) and other attached organization to DSS will not be responsible for any sort of information shared by either or both the parties, performances, deeds , non financial and/or financial gains or losses to either or both the parties. By filling this form you are allowing Dear Sir Services as well as attached organizations to DSS to disclose authority’s name and your company’s Name and logo where ever required. Fees, Charges, donations etc.( if any) once paid to Dear Sir Services as well as attached organizations to DSS are non refundable or will abide to MOU as signed by Dear Sir Services as well as attached organizations to DSS with the respective Organization or Individual. Jurisdiction is Nagpur, Maharashtra.